Jennifer Lopez Indulging in Retail Therapy Amid Ben Affleck Split, Source Reveals

 Jennifer Lopez Indulging in Retail Therapy Amid Ben Affleck Split, Source Reveals


Jennifer Lopez is reportedly turning to retail therapy as she navigates her estranged relationship with Ben Affleck. According to an insider who spoke to In Touch Weekly, the superstar has been spending money at an accelerated pace, prompting concern from those close to her.

The source claimed that Lopez is “throwing around money like she’s a billionaire right now, which just isn’t the case.” Despite her impressive financial portfolio, her team has reportedly advised her to curb her spending habits if she wants to maintain her wealth.

“Her financial team has told her that if she wants to stay that way, she needs to reign in her spending,” the insider explained, highlighting the significant expenses Lopez is currently facing.

One major cost looming over Lopez is her impending divorce settlement with Affleck, which could set her back as much as $50 million, according to the source. “First of all, she’s got this divorce to settle, which could cost her a lot,” they said.

In addition to the potential financial hit from the divorce, Lopez is also splurging on personal purchases, including a new $50 million home. “She’s now forking out on all kinds of things, including another $50 million home,” the source added.

The In Touch Weekly insider also noted that Lopez has significantly expanded her entourage, resulting in a sharp increase in her weekly spending. “She’s beefing up her entourage, which means her weekly spending has instantly tripled because when she goes anywhere, they all go with her.”

On top of it all, Lopez is reportedly indulging in expensive shopping sprees as a form of coping. “She’s treating herself to outrageous shopping sprees. She calls it retail therapy and says she needs it, but the bills are outrageous,” the insider revealed. “She’s regularly spending a few hundred thousand dollars a day on designer clothes for her and her entourage.”

The source concluded by emphasizing Lopez’s unwavering belief that her spending is justified. “The way she’s hemorrhaging money right now is madness, but she says it makes her happy, so it’s worth it — end of story.”

As Lopez continues to work through the fallout of her split with Affleck, it seems that shopping has become her preferred way of finding solace, even if it comes at a significant financial cost.

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