Watch One Direction and Other Musicians Read Mean Tweets About Themselves

Following last night’s Grammy Awards, Jimmy Kimmel blessed the world with the latest ~*music edition*~ of “Mean Tweets.”
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Niall had the honor of reading One Direction’s tweet, which was written by someone who just doesn’t get the power of skinny jeans.
Do not fear, fellow Directioners, with time, this person will eventually let in the beautiful combo of “gross hair” and 1D’s choice of pants, and, with practice, be able to mouth all the words to “History.” Meanwhile, it looks like JKL used a clip from Drake’s appearance in the round-up last year.
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Maybe the show just recorded him reading a bunch of tweets that describe what he looks like to other people (this year, it’s a cute animal with a baby afro). I can’t wait to see what Drake reads in 2020.