“I Hope Ms. Psaki Chooses to Appear Voluntarily” Congressional Subpoena Looms for Former Press Secretary

 “I Hope Ms. Psaki Chooses to Appear Voluntarily” Congressional Subpoena Looms for Former Press Secretary

(Photo by Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki may soon find herself under a congressional subpoena as the House Foreign Affairs Committee intensifies its investigation into the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Committee Chair, Rep. Michael McCaul, has expressed frustration over Psaki’s lack of cooperation and is considering compelling her testimony if she continues to evade voluntary participation.

In a letter dated June 5, addressed to Psaki’s attorney, Emily Loeb, McCaul outlined his dissatisfaction with Psaki’s response to prior requests for a transcribed interview. The letter, first revealed by The Daily Caller, highlighted the urgency of her testimony, given her role during a critical period of U.S. foreign policy. McCaul wrote, “Your client Jen Psaki has failed to adequately respond to my letter dated May 21, 2024, requesting that she appear before the Committee… Your client’s disregard for my request is an affront to this Committee and the U.S. House of Representatives.”

McCaul provided three potential dates for the interview—two in July and one in June—and emphasized the consequences of non-compliance: “I hope Ms. Psaki chooses to appear voluntarily; otherwise, I will be forced to turn to compulsory process.”

The focus of the committee’s inquiry is the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, which saw the tragic deaths of 13 U.S. servicemembers. Psaki’s insights are particularly valuable, as her book “Say More” delves into various incidents from that time, including President Biden’s actions during the dignified transfer ceremony for the fallen Americans—an event that stirred significant controversy and scrutiny.

McCaul’s letter also pointed to Psaki’s current status as a private citizen who has already shared her perspectives publicly for profit, arguing that her duty to testify is clear and cannot be shielded by her former role under executive privilege or concerns from the White House Counsel’s Office.

This development comes as the committee seeks to uncover more details about the decisions and actions leading up to the withdrawal. In April, a statement from the House Foreign Affairs Committee cited “recent revelations” that necessitate further investigation into the matter. McCaul’s approach suggests a growing impatience with former administration officials perceived as uncooperative, and it underscores the committee’s commitment to addressing what many view as a mishandled military exit orchestrated under Biden’s leadership.

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