Donald Trump’s ‘Tonight Show’ Appearance with Jimmy Fallon: A Hilarious ‘Me Interviewing Me’ Moment

 Donald Trump’s ‘Tonight Show’ Appearance with Jimmy Fallon: A Hilarious ‘Me Interviewing Me’ Moment

(Photo Credit: Getty Images)

Former President Donald Trump’s September 11, 2015, appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon remains one of the most memorable moments of his pre-presidency days. The comedic sketch, where Fallon impersonated Trump in a mock interview while seated across from him in front of a large vanity mirror, left a lasting impression.

Fallon’s portrayal began with the line, “The only person qualified to interview ‘Me’ is ‘Me,'” as the audience erupted in cheers. Trump, fully embracing the humor, responded, “Me interviewing Me, that’s what I call a great idea,” Politico reported. As the comedic back-and-forth continued, Fallon asked Trump if he was prepared for the Republican debate.

“I am always ready,” Trump declared. Fallon, still impersonating Trump, pressed him on job creation. “I’m just going to do it,” Trump confidently replied. When Fallon asked how he would accomplish it, Trump humorously insisted, “By doing it. It just happens. Just by doing it.” Fallon, mimicking Trump’s distinctive mannerisms, exclaimed, “Genius! You and therefore me are geniuses!”

The humor didn’t stop there. Fallon asked Trump about his plans to build a wall along the Mexico border, to which Trump quipped, “Easy. I’ll challenge them to the biggest game of Jenga ever. I’ll make them set up the board. And then when they finish, I’ll say, I don’t want to play anymore.” Fallon, in full Trump persona, replied, “That’s genius. I knew it was.”

Next, Fallon moved on to taxes, referencing a previous Trump comment about hedge fund managers paying too little tax. When asked how else he would help the economy, Trump said, “Look, I’m really rich. I know how to run a business. First, we have to cut government spending… Then we’ve got to lower corporate taxes. It’s become impossible to do business in this country… It’s going to end. Remember that.”

Fallon then hilariously shifted gears, joking about Trump’s reflection, “I’m like a Greek god who just took a bath in a pumpkin spice latte.” Finally, he asked Trump who his vice president would be, suggesting Gary Busey. Trump playfully responded, “I love Gary. He’s fantastic. But more of a Supreme Court justice, in my opinion. Vice president’s a very serious job, so I’m probably going to go with somebody else. Maybe Kanye West,” according to The Guardian.

To conclude the sketch, Fallon’s Trump character asked, “How do you think it’s going to go with that dopey goofball Jimmy Fallon?” Trump, staying in character, replied, “It’s going to be really classy. It’s going to be really fantastic. It’s going to be HUGEEE!”

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