“Help Me Report These Vile People” George Conway Defends Daughter Against Online Attacks

 “Help Me Report These Vile People” George Conway Defends Daughter Against Online Attacks

Matt Rourke / AP file

George Conway, a conservative attorney and vocal critic of Donald Trump, recently took to social media platform X (formerly Twitter) to issue a rare personal plea. Conway called for support in defending his daughter, Claudia Conway, from a barrage of harsh online attacks led by Trump supporters, including far-right influencer Laura Loomer.

“I don’t make personal requests on here often, if ever. But Laura Loomer (whom Trump apparently wanted to hire), along with an online mob of other Trump/MAGA supporters, have been attacking @claudiamcomwayy [sic] in the most vile of terms, simply because she noted that Donald Trump is a convicted felon,” Conway stated. He urged his followers to help report the abuse and confront the attackers.

This online hostility erupted after Claudia Conway, returning to X after a long hiatus, commented on the recent conviction of Donald Trump, who was found guilty on all 34 counts in his criminal hush money trial. Her remark came in response to her mother, Kellyanne Conway, a former White House strategist for Trump, who had praised him as “resilient and a fighter.” Claudia’s pointed reply in a now-deleted post was: “I think you forgot to add ‘felon.'”

The backlash was swift and severe, with MAGA supporters lashing out. Laura Loomer, known for her controversial views and statements defending white nationalism, targeted Claudia by calling her a “low IQ, highly sexually promiscuous woman with daddy issues” and criticized her for allegedly having a deal with Playboy, told Newsweek.

Loomer, who identifies as a “Proud Islamophobe,” has previously run for Congress unsuccessfully and was reportedly considered for a role in Trump’s campaign before being vetoed by his aides. Her involvement in attacking Claudia Conway highlights the intense polarization and vitriol that can emerge from political disagreements in today’s climate.

George Conway’s defense of his daughter underscores the personal stakes involved when family members of public figures engage in political discourse. The situation also reflects the broader context of the aggressive political environment, where personal attacks often replace substantive debate.

As Donald Trump faces sentencing on July 11 following his conviction, the incident with the Conways reveals how deeply political divisions can affect personal relationships and public interactions. The exchange on X is a snapshot of the broader tumult and the challenges of navigating public discourse amid America’s charged political landscape.

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