Gov. Doug Burgum Defends Trump, Blames Democrats ‘Biden Dictatorship’

 Gov. Doug Burgum Defends Trump, Blames Democrats ‘Biden Dictatorship’

Source: CNN

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum (R) is going on defense for Donald Trump as he auditions for a possible vice presidential running mate. Washington Post columnist Philip Bump wrote about Burgum’s recent appearance on “Meet the Press,” where he delivered some alarming answers to host Kristen Welker’s questions.

“[Burgum] offered a neat articulation of the Republican response to concerns that Trump seeks authoritarian power,” wrote Bump. “No, Democrats do.” Bump highlights Burgum’s claim that the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol was comparable to the Florida recount in 2000. “As a country, if we want to move forward,” Burgum said, “we have to have elections that both parties agree to.”

When Welker asked Burgum if Trump’s refusal to concede wasn’t concerning, he dismissed the idea, claiming there was a “smooth transition.” Welker countered that a mob attack on the U.S. Capitol during the electoral count was hardly an example of a “smooth transition.”

“Well, I think we have to say that there was a smooth transition,” Burgum insisted. He then attempted to pivot, stating, “I think the threat to democracy, as a governor in North Dakota today, I’ve been living under what I call the Biden dictatorship because of all the rules and regulations.” Welker pointed out that Burgum, as governor, had issued more executive orders than Biden. Burgum responded with a claim about “red tape.”

The idea of blaming everything on Democrats isn’t new, Bump explained, writing, “It’s routine.” He cited arguments from Republicans that “violence that followed some protests against police brutality in summer 2020 was worse than the Capitol riot,” and that “the arrest of those who participated in the [2020] riot was not a response to an effort to subvert democracy but itself such a subversion. It isn’t what Trump does that’s the problem; it’s Biden and the Democrats and being ‘woke’ and labeling social media posts as false and changing the rules around elections and so on. The problem isn’t us, and it isn’t Donald Trump. The problem is them, and it is Dictator Biden.”

Bump argued that a Fox News poll and polling from CBS News both show that the messaging is working. Republicans now believe Biden is a threat to democracy, while independents still see Trump as the bigger threat.

“As Welker noted to Burgum, the presentation of Biden as a ‘dictator’ because he implemented executive actions is flatly ridiculous,” Bump concluded. “It became only more ridiculous after the Supreme Court on Monday determined that Trump’s efforts to subvert the 2020 election had broad protections against criminal prosecution. It’s not even clear the extent to which Burgum believes it.”

Burgum is being considered as a possible running mate along with Sens. J.D. Vance (R-OH) and Marco Rubio (R-FL), according to numerous reports.

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