“That will only pick up during a trial” Hunter Biden’s Upcoming Trial Worries White House Aides About Political Impact

 “That will only pick up during a trial” Hunter Biden’s Upcoming Trial Worries White House Aides About Political Impact

Photo Courtesy: Bloomberg

Hunter Biden is set to go on trial soon on felony gun charges, and White House aides are concerned about its impact on President Joe Biden and the upcoming election.

Hunter Biden, the younger son of President Biden, will stand trial starting June 3 in federal court. While White House aides have stated that they will not interfere with the case, it is expected that President Biden will be closely following the proceedings, according to a report by Politico.

The president maintains daily contact with his son, typically through phone calls and occasionally via text messages. Advisers have noted that this practice will continue during the trial. However, aides are cautious about mentioning Hunter’s legal issues to the president, as they fear provoking an angry response or a cold reaction.

“He worries about Hunter every single day, from the moment he wakes up to the moment he goes to sleep,” said an adviser. “That will only pick up during a trial,” Politico said the possible effect on the election is not being handled. “There is little-to-no appetite among his aides to discuss ways to politically manage it, even as the reelection campaign accelerates into a crucial phase,” the site wrote.

“It will be used as a pivot point to go into the main talking points about the Bidens,” said one source who works for a pro-Trump group. “But him having a gun and snorting cocaine — that doesn’t go to the Biden Crime Family narrative and story.”

The White House has decided not to launch any operations to counteract the political fallout from the trial. Moreover, outside allies who have previously defended the president, such as during the impeachment hearings, are likely to remain silent until the trial concludes, as reported by Politico.

Nevertheless, a Biden ally indicated that they might respond if Donald Trump or House Republicans drag President Biden into their criticisms of his son. Despite this, GOP strategists reportedly believe they have already reaped all the political benefits they can from the Hunter-Biden controversy.

The upcoming trial adds another layer of complexity to an already charged political atmosphere. The situation highlights the delicate balance the White House must maintain in addressing personal family matters while managing the broader implications for the administration and the election campaign.

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