Mike Pence Criticized for $5 Tip on $45 Bill During Pandemic

 Mike Pence Criticized for $5 Tip on $45 Bill During Pandemic

Credit: AP

In December 2020, former Vice President Mike Pence faced backlash over an alleged restaurant receipt showing a $5 tip on a $45 bill. The controversy erupted when an X (formerly Twitter) user shared a picture of the receipt from Coyote Cafe, as reported by The Daily Dot.

The user wrote, “Here’s the character of these people. A friend’s friend works at a restaurant that served @Mike_Pence at lunch today. He tipped $5 on a $45 bill. This is who these people are. Remember that, always.” Although the claim was unverified, it sparked a heated debate, with many criticizing Pence for being insensitive during the global pandemic.

One commenter stated, “This is a sh*tty tip at any time. But now? During a pandemic? That he exacerbated? Absolutely shameful. Don’t be a Pence. Tip at least 25% for people who are risking their lives to serve you, deliver to you, etc.” Another echoed, “If this story is true this is shameful. You can afford to tip at least 20%.

During the pandemic, I never tip less than 25% for takeout which is all I’m doing right now. I can afford to tip well so can you. People are hurting you could help.” Critics argued that Pence and others in his position failed to understand the struggles of the working class. One user commented, “Mike Pence and his privileged ilk do not have any appreciation nor understanding of the working class and their struggles.”

Another added, “All the people trying to stretch the numbers, pretax, post-tax, takeout, counter services, it doesn’t matter. The point is, if you have money (he does) and you’re in bad times (we are), the correct answer to ‘How much do I tip?’, is ‘Too much.'” As the debate continued, some defended Pence. One user argued, “Hey I’m no fan of Mike Pence, but 12.5% (always tip on the pre-tax subtotal) doesn’t seem unreasonable to me.

I don’t subscribe to the runaway 20%+ gratuities so commonly found today, even if split with the back-end staff.” Others criticized the sharing of Pence’s receipt, calling it a violation of privacy. Pence’s political career has been marked by significant events. During his tenure as vice president under Donald Trump, he was a prominent political figure.

However, his refusal to overturn the 2020 election results on January 6, 2021, led to estrangement from the Republican Party’s core supporters. Pence’s bid for the 2024 presidency failed to gain traction, and after exiting the race, he announced he wouldn’t endorse either Trump or Joe Biden, as reported by The Hill.

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