“I Have a Conscience” New Book Reveals Shocking Claims About Trump’s Behavior

 “I Have a Conscience” New Book Reveals Shocking Claims About Trump’s Behavior


Shocking revelations are coming to light with the upcoming publication of “Apprentice in Wonderland,” written by Variety Editor-in-Chief Ramin Setoodeh. The book, set to hit shelves later this month, dives deep into the backstage dynamics of “The Apprentice,” particularly highlighting Donald Trump’s behavior towards women during his tenure on the reality show.

One of the most striking claims comes from Jennifer Murphy, a former contestant, and Season 4 beauty queen. In the book, Murphy recounts how Trump, only months into his third marriage to Melania Trump and before the birth of their son, expressed overt sexual interest in her. According to The Atlantic, Murphy detailed how Trump would not stop mentioning his desire to have sex with her, despite his marital status.

Murphy, who initially spoke of receiving a “little kiss” from Trump, shared more about their interactions with Setoodeh. She described a scenario where Trump invited her to his room at the Beverly Hills Hotel—an invitation she declined. “I have a conscience,” Murphy stated in the book, implying the sexual nature of Trump’s invitation and her decision to maintain her integrity by fabricating a busy schedule to avoid the encounter, told the Washington Post.

Her experiences with Trump gained more attention following the release of the “Access Hollywood” tape, where Trump was heard bragging about kissing and groping women without consent. Shortly after the tape’s release, Murphy appeared on CNN, clarifying that the unsolicited kiss, while unexpected, did not upset her. However, she criticized the media’s focus on the incident, feeling it overshadowed her professional interactions with Trump, including his subsequent offer of a job.

In her interviews, Murphy often praised Trump’s professional demeanor, despite the controversy. She recounted another instance where, after a series of business meetings, Trump gave her another unexpected kiss. “And I was a little surprised, but I wasn’t offended. And I could have turned away…” she explained, The Atlantic wrote.

Despite these experiences, Murphy does not view Trump as a predator. “I think, if anything, he likes beautiful women too much — if that’s a flaw,” she told Setoodeh. She even remained on friendly terms with Trump, who offered her a discount for hosting her wedding at one of his properties—a wedding that was ironically covered by “Access Hollywood.”

During the wedding segment’s filming, Trump’s behavior continued to be forward, with Murphy recounting a moment off-camera when he smacked her buttock, leaving her startled yet not entirely offended.

The book promises to offer a complex portrait of the interactions between Trump and the women of “The Apprentice,” contributing to the ongoing discussion about his conduct and the broader implications for how powerful men behave in the entertainment industry.

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