Trump Hints at Potential Roles for RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, and Elon Musk in His Team

 Trump Hints at Potential Roles for RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, and Elon Musk in His Team

(AP Photo/Jose Juarez/Curtis Means/ via AP)

In a recent interview on Full Measure with host Sharyl Attkisson, former President Donald Trump discussed the possibility of including notable former Democrats, such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, and Elon Musk, in his future administration. While Trump was careful not to make any firm commitments, he hinted that these individuals could play key roles if he returns to the White House, stating, “It’s too early, but it’s getting to be that time, wouldn’t you think?”

Praising Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Trump had high praise for Kennedy Jr., particularly for his long-standing efforts in public health. “He’s been fighting for this for years. He looks at other countries where they don’t use chemicals or they use much less than we use. And the people are healthier than they are in the United States, which is not that healthy a country,” Trump said.

He also lauded Kennedy’s environmental stance, noting, “Bobby will do great on health and the environment.” Kennedy, once a prominent figure in Democratic circles, has gained attention for his positions on issues like vaccines and environmental policies, and Trump suggested that these viewpoints could align with his administration’s goals, as Mediaite reported. 

Tulsi Gabbard’s “Common Sense” Approach

Trump also spoke highly of Tulsi Gabbard, a former congresswoman from Hawaii who left the Democratic Party. Trump commended her practicality, saying, “Tulsi has always been good from the standpoint of common sense.” He highlighted her popularity in Hawaii and her move away from the Democratic establishment, suggesting she could be “terrific” in a potential role, although he stopped short of specifying a position.

Gabbard, who has expressed interest in foreign policy, has long been known for her unconventional political stance, which blends progressive views with a strong emphasis on military and foreign policy issues. Trump acknowledged that she could bring valuable experience to his team, though he didn’t elaborate on what that might entail.

Elon Musk’s Potential Role in Cutting Government Waste

The conversation then turned to Elon Musk, the tech mogul and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX. Trump acknowledged Musk’s endorsement of his 2024 campaign and praised his ability to cut costs. “Elon is Elon,” Trump remarked. “He’s endorsed me very powerfully. He feels this is the most important election we’ve ever had.”

Trump was enthusiastic about the prospect of Musk contributing to reducing government waste. “He’s a big cost cutter,” Trump said. “He is always good at it, and I’m good at it. But Elon, I’ll tell you what, he will go in and he’ll say, ‘This is what you have to do. You have to do this.’ He feels there’s so much waste and fat in this country. And he’s right.” Trump suggested that Musk’s expertise in cost management could be valuable in his efforts to streamline the government, The Guardian reported.

Partial Disagreement on Electric Cars

Despite their admiration for Musk, Trump noted that they don’t see eye to eye on everything, particularly on electric vehicles. “I disagree with him a little bit on the electric car. But he agrees with me from the standpoint that not every car should be electric,” Trump explained, signaling that while they may share common ground on some economic issues, differences remain.

No Plans for the 2028 Run

In the wide-ranging interview, Trump also ruled out a potential 2028 run if he loses in 2024, stating firmly, “No, I don’t. I don’t see that at all.” As Trump’s political future hangs in the balance, the possibility of adding influential figures like RFK Jr., Tulsi Gabbard, and Elon Musk to his team hints at a broader strategy to appeal to voters across the political spectrum.

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