“Too Many ‘Thank Yous'”: Trump Unleashes Criticism as Kamala Harris Accepts Nomination

 “Too Many ‘Thank Yous'”: Trump Unleashes Criticism as Kamala Harris Accepts Nomination

Photo: Manuel Balce Centa/AP

Former President Donald Trump unleashed a series of complaints on Truth Social as Vice President Kamala Harris accepted the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination at the United Center in Chicago on Thursday. Trump’s critiques, ranging from the tone of Harris’ speech to unrelated political jabs, left many commentators puzzled.

Trump’s first gripe centered on the style of Harris’ speech. “Too many ‘Thank yous,’ too rapidly said, what’s going on with her?” Trump wrote, seemingly frustrated by the way Harris expressed gratitude during her address. He then criticized the content of her speech, which included personal anecdotes about her childhood. “A lot of talk about childhood, we’ve got to get to the Border, Inflation, and Crime!” Trump insisted, urging a focus on issues he considers more pressing.

In addition to his critique of Harris, Trump shifted his attention to other targets, including President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, and Harris’ running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz. “WHERE’S HUNTER?” Trump demanded, reviving a frequent refrain from his past rallies. He then took aim at Walz, attempting to diminish his credentials. “Walz was an ASSISTANT Coach, not a COACH,” Trump wrote, questioning the governor’s portrayal of his experience as a high school football coach.

Trump’s posts quickly garnered attention and confusion on X, where political commentators reacted to his remarks. Bloomberg columnist Matthew Yglesias responded to Trump’s dig at Walz with sarcasm, writing, “They’ve got him now,” poking fun at the former president’s seemingly trivial complaint.

Talking Points Memo’s Josh Marshall appeared baffled by Trump’s sudden outburst, exclaiming, “Good lord. He just tweeted this!” Marshall’s reaction echoed the sentiments of many who found Trump’s comments disconnected from the larger political discourse of the evening.

Alejandra Caraballo, a contributor to Wired and Slate, summed up the mood by analyzing Trump’s posts, remarking, “He’s not taking this well,” suggesting that Trump’s comments reflected his frustration or unease with the proceedings.

S.V. Dáte, White House correspondent for the Huffington Post, responded to one of Trump’s posts with a simple “…………..”—a reaction that conveyed his disbelief at Trump’s query, “IS SHE TALKING ABOUT ME?” The former president seemed to interpret Harris’ speech as a personal attack, despite no direct mention.

Attorney Andrew Fleischman expressed concern about Trump’s approach to the evening, writing, “Oh no, I thought he was gonna let a staffer do this,” indicating a hope that Trump would have delegated his social media responses rather than engaging directly.

Trump’s series of posts underscored his continued penchant for off-the-cuff remarks and personal grievances, even as the Democratic National Convention unfolded on the national stage. The response from political commentators highlighted the ongoing polarization in American politics, with Trump’s words continuing to provoke strong reactions, both serious and sarcastic.

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